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What is Hatha Yoga?

What is Hatha Yoga? – Hatha Yoga Poses and Benefits

Hatha yoga (ha= “sun”, tha= “moon”). Hatha is a Sanskrit word that means ‘with strength’ and ‘forceful’. Hatha yoga is a way to achieve peace between your body, mind, and spirit by doing yoga poses. Hatha yoga is the traditional form of yoga, which has been followed since ancient times. Hatha yoga is a very common yoga taught by yoga teachers.

A women doing Hatha Yoga pose
What is Hatha Yoga?

What is Hatha Yoga?

Hatha yoga includes breathing exercises, body gestures, energy locks, and internal cleansing techniques. Hatha yoga makes you healthier and maintain your physical and mental health. The most important goal of hatha yoga is to provide spiritual energy, inner peace, and a connection with the universe. Thus, hatha yoga is also described as a source of vital energy. It describes the most gentle and friendly form of yoga.

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History of Hatha Yoga

In this image we are discussing about History of Hatha Yoga
What is Hatha Yoga?

Hatha yoga is a very important form of yoga. The history of hatha yoga shows that it is thousands of years old.  Its origin was discovered in ancient India. It was practiced to prepare the body for deep meditation and spirituality. The oldest hatha yoga script is known as “Hatha yoga Pradipika”. This was written in the 15th century by the yogi Swatmarama. These scripts stated the foundation of hatha yoga. Hatha yoga has a strong impact on asanas, and pranayama to purify the body and calm the mind. It helps to maintain the energies of the body and it awakes the kundalini.

It is a practice which is passed by the gurus to their students to make them learn discipline. Hatha yoga gained popularity in the 19th and 20th centuries in the West. Modern Hatha focuses on physical fitness and stress reduction. Today Hatha yoga is worldwide practiced for peace and mental and physical well-being.

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Traditional Hatha yoga poses


In this image women doing TADASANA Yoga pose which is also known as THE MOUNTAIN POSE
What is Hatha Yoga

Tadasana or mountain pose of hatha yoga is the resting or starting pose of many yoga poses. To do this pose stand with the feet together and arms at side. Then push your tailbone inside. Now join your arms above your head in prayer position. Look straight for 60 seconds and leave the pose. It improves your body posture and gives strength to your muscles.


in this image women doing VRIKSHASANA yoga pose which is also known as THE TREE POSE
What is Hatha Yoga?

The tree pose of hatha yoga is a standing pose that provides stretch to the thighs, shoulders, and abdomen region of the body.
For this pose lift your right leg and place the feet on the left thigh. Now take your hands in front of your chest and join them in the namaskar position. Now take your hands upward to the ceiling and keep them in the namaskar position. Take a breath and try to make balance. Now after 60 seconds repeat with the other leg.


In this image women doing UTTANASANA yoga pose which is also known as STANDING FORWARD BEND POSE
What is Hatha Yoga?

Uttanasana pose of hatha yoga is a bending pose. It gives a good stretch to the complete body. It helps in the good working of the liver and kidneys.
To do this pose stand straight take a breath and bend down from your waist. Now place your stomach and chest on your thighs. Now make sure that your legs are straight. You can keep your hands on the floor or you can hold your hand behind the legs. Now hold the pose for 60 seconds and then get up.


in this image women doing ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA Yoga pose which is also known as DOWNWARD FACING DOG POSE
What is Hatha Yoga?

Downward facing pose of hatha yoga is the best pose for a beginner. It boosts the body with energy. This pose provide stretch to arms, legs, shoulder, and calves. To do this pose lie down on your abdomen. Place your hand near your chest on the ground. Keep your legs together. Now lift your chest and abdomen up. Then press your toes on the ground and lift your knees upward. Hold the pose for 60 seconds.


In this image women doing SETU BANDHASANA yoga pose which is also known as BRIDGE POSE
What is Hatha Yoga?

Bridge pose is also one of the most important poses of hatha yoga. It gives a good stretch to the body. It improves the digestive system. And helps in the easy functioning of the body.
For this pose, lie your back on the ground. Place your heels closer to your hips. Now hold your ankles pulling the legs closer. Raise your hips high so that your chest can touch your chin. Hold the pose for a few seconds and then leave it.


In this image women doing SALABHASANA yoga pose which is also known as LOCUST POSE
What is Hatha Yoga?

The Locust pose of hatha yoga gives strength to muscles as well as bones. It improves the posture of the body. It reduces anxiety and stress. Also, it helps in fighting depression.
To do this pose, lie your belly on the ground. Your arms should be straight along your thighs. Now inhale pull your chest above the ground and keep your elbows close to the sides. Hold the pose for some seconds and then leave it.


In this image two women are doing VIRBHADRASANA yoga pose which is also known as WARRIOR POSE
Hatha Yoga Pose

The warrior pose is also one of the most important poses of hatha yoga. It improves the blood circulation of the body. It helps in improving the opening of the lungs and chest. It provides the balance to the body.
For this pose, stand on the ground and keep your legs wide. Now turn your right leg on the right side at the angle of 90 degrees and inhale. Then join your hands over your head. Bend your right knee above your right ankle. Expand your chest. Now come up and exhale. Now switch the legs and repeat.

Benefits of hatha yoga

In this image we show four or more people doing Hatha Yoga, and also we are discussing about Benefits of hatha yoga
What is Hatha Yoga?

Physical benefits

  • It gives you the flexibility.
  • It gives strength to your muscles.
  • It improves and enhances your body posture.
  • It provides coordination and balance to the body.
  • It reduces the pain chronic pain conditions like lower back pain, arthritis, and headaches.
  • It improves the blood flow in the body.

Mental benefits

  • It reduces stress.
  • It enhances the mind’s activeness.
  • It gives you emotional balance.
  • You discover your true self through yoga.
  • It gives you better sleep.
  • It provides you with the spiritual path.
  • It gives you calmness and relaxation.

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